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Institut de Développement du Thérapeute
Contemporary Relational Gestalt Therapy — Advanced training

The impact of the therapist that I am

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"What do I use when I use myself?" "What therapist am I?"

FACE TO FACE training

With this training you will better understand your personal dynamics as a therapist, its effects on the therapeutic encounter and will soften and enrich your ways of reacting to the diversity of your patients.

This module explores the effects of participants’ motivation to be therapists, their personal histories, life experiences, the attachment patterns that characterize them and, ultimately, the impact they can have on others and therefore on their patients.

We will accompany the participants in the practical application and handling of these aspects in the therapeutic encounter.

Structure of the module
4 days: 2 times 2 days separated by an integration time or 3 consecutive days

Objectives of the module

  • To measure the role of personal wounds and problematic experiences in the deployment of the participant’s empathy towards their patients (strengths and weaknesses)
  • To understand the participant’s own mode of attachment and to measure its impact on the dynamics of the psychotherapies he/she conducts
  • To become more aware of the projections that the participant can mobilise with his patients
  • To better understand how the respective dynamics of the patient and the therapist are articulated
  • To open his palette of interventions

Vincent Béja and Florence Belasco - Founders of IDeT - over 20 years of experience

Florence Belasco - Clinical psychologist, Psychotherapist, Gestalt therapist, trainer and supervisor. Member of the Research Committee of the EAGT (European Association of Gestalt Therapy), the SPR (Society for Psychotherapy Research) and the SEPI (Society for the Exploration of Integration in Psychotherapy).


Vincent Béja - Gestalt therapist, trainer and supervisor. Responsible for the Research Committee of the EAGT (European Association of Gestalt Therapy), member of the NYIGT (New York Institute of Gestalt Therapy) and the SPR (Society for Psychotherapy Research).

Pedagogical means
Theoretical-clinical and experiential training in small groups

  • Clinical work based on real cases from the participants’ own practice.
  • Learning by experience and observation (practicum, didactic sequences, video), situation setting and sharing time.
  • Reflective work and self-evaluation in intercession.

Our modules are built around taking into account the specific needs and resources of the participants, which encourages their self-training. They offer a safe, small group, resourceful environment

A training certificate may be issued at the end of this module. It will allow you to validate a number of training units that meet the criteria of the various professional organisations (EAP, FF2P, EAGT...).

updated on 21-09-2021

2017-2025 Institut de Développement du Thérapeute
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