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Institut de Développement du Thérapeute
Contemporary Relational Gestalt Therapy — Advanced training


First French book on research in Gestalt therapy

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Béja V., Belasco F. (Editors), 2018, La Recherche en Gestalt-thérapie, Special joint issue of la Revue Gestalt and les Cahiers de Gestalt-thérapie, Ed. SFG (Société française de Gestalt-thérapie) & CEG-t (Collège européen de Gestalt-thérapie)
- online Cairn

This book is the result of the Paris 2017 conference on research in Gestalt therapy. It presents a panorama of international contemporary research conducted in this modality. Through the topics addressed and its extensive bibliography, it will be of general interest to all readers concerned with the development and validation of humanistic therapies.


  • Presentation - Béja, Belasco
  • Towards Renewal... the International Conference on Gestalt Therapy Research in Paris - Béja, Francesetti, Roubal, Reck

Two major research programs under discussion in the international gestalt community

  • The Gestalt Therapy Fidelity Scale - Fogarty, Bhar, Theiler
  • What does a therapist do in Gestalt therapy - Philippson
  • Proposal for a methodology for research in Gestalt therapy: the use of case studies in the analysis of change processes and its effectiveness - Herrera, Mstibovzskyi, Roubal, Brownell

About the epistemic difficulties araising from research

  • Interview with Willy Butollo - Béja, Butollo
  • Epistemological and Practical Consequences for Gestalt Therapy Research of Adopting a Contextual Model "à la Wampold" - Briffault

Research consistent with the principles of Gestalt therapy

  • Descriptive research: Describe the practice from the point of view of the gestalt therapist who conducts it. Brissaud
  • The importance of research: how to improve one’s practice of Gestalt Therapy - Stevens
  • A phenomenological way to measure change in gestalt therapy - Sandell
  • A gestalt theory of depression and the construction and validation of a test - Babakhanyan, Burley

Effectiveness Issues

  • Presentation of the results of a comparative naturalist study from the perspective of Gestalt Therapy - Schulthess, Tschuschke, Koemeda-Lutz, von Wyl, Crameri
  • Practice-based research as evidence of the effectiveness of Gestalt Therapy - Grossman, Cohen
  • The results of psychotherapy: reexamining an old question - Castonguay
  • Evaluation of Gestalt Personality Therapy with the Cloninger TCI 125 Questionnaire - Vallejo, Plu, Calvet

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